McMillans Solicitors now deals exclusively in allegations of a sexual nature. The firm’s owner and principle solicitor Joe Happe who has been representing clients for sex cases for nearly 20 years is passionate in his belief that these cases are too complex and serious to be dealt with by a non expert and recently said as follows:

Sexual allegations are always incredibly serious and complex and have the potential to ruin the life of the person falsely accused. The Sexual Offences Act 2003 is a constantly changing minefield which means that unless you are doing these cases day in day out and nothing else you are unlikely to be able to deal with all of the potential issues in the most effective way. Cases often involve voluminous amounts of evidence and paperwork  which needs to be meticulously considered by a lawyer who knows what to look for. McMillans Solicitors only employ specialist lawyers that will go the extra mile to prepare cases and obtain evidence which often involves travelling the length and breadth of the country to track down witnesses and obtain statements. We don’t  believe you can do this effectively if you have a large caseload of non sex cases which is unfortunately true with other firms claiming to be specialists

You can have a free and confidential conversation  with Mr Happe by simply picking up the phone.